
Domain lists are published for security purposes : any commercial usage is strictly prohibited, particulary commercial prospection with domain registrants.

You can reuse domain lists under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, and integrate it on your own security system.


CMS by @gohugoio, with a @monkeyWzr theme.
Data processing uses a library made by Ian Foster.
Open source logo by Freepik.
Nginx Fancyindex theme (used on dl.red.flag.domains) by Luis Felipe Sánchez.

Contact and support

For removal request, information, help: hello@red.flag.domains [fr/en].
If you’re enjoying the service, you can buy me a cup of ☕.

Website edited and self-hosted by: Nicolas Pawlak.

IP address is the only personal data collected, for a limited time and for security reasons only. No cookies are used.